
Plan like an




Say goodbye to the empty "white box" that commercial bays offer. Choose sectional or partition walls so prospects can have a better design vision for their dream businesses.

We have a selections of "wall" like items to choose from, such as 8x8 pre-built offices and bathrooms.


How many office tables and chairs will fit in this place? Where is the best place to put the refrigerator? Wet bar? Now you know.
HOST3D has an extensive list of pre-made 4-seaters, 6-seaters, kitchen counters, haircut stalls, and many more models. Oh, and one more thing, they are all pre-measured, so there is no need to find your tape measurer :).
Commercial staging set


Pre-measured sections.
Pre-measured everything.
Click the "plus" button to add the starting point. Simply drag and measure the space.
Quick access to true-to-scale measurement lets you know every inch of your new office, restaurant, sushi bar, or hair salon…


Each customer must sign up and log in to view the tour.
You receive real-time notifications when a customer is viewing the tour. Turning your tours into lead generators and insight into customer interest and activity.
Lead source form

Plan like an




Say goodbye to the empty "white box" that commercial bays offer. Choose sectional or partition walls so prospects can have a better design vision for their dream businesses.

We have a selections of "wall" like items to choose from, such as 8x8 pre-built offices and bathrooms.


How many office tables and chairs will fit in this place? Where is the best place to put the refrigerator? Wet bar? Now you know.
HOST3D has an extensive list of pre-made 4-seaters, 6-seaters, kitchen counters, haircut stalls, and many more models. Oh, and one more thing, they are all pre-measured, so there is no need to find your tape measurer :).
Commercial staging set


Pre-measured sections.
Pre-measured everything.
Click the "plus" button to add the starting point. Simply drag and measure the space.
Quick access to true-to-scale measurement lets you know every inch of your new office, restaurant, sushi bar, or hair salon…


Each customer must sign up and log in to view the tour.
You receive real-time notifications when a customer is viewing the tour. Turning your tours into lead generators and insight into customer interest and activity.
Lead source form